Gii-dagoshinoomagak Aakoziwin, gii-maajibiisaan (Anishinaabemowin)

Latinos Positivos, David Wall, 2023, gitochigewin waabanda'iwewin

A white gallery wall with large black exhibition text, a reader rail and two sets of headphones. A white gallery wall with large black exhibition text, a reader rail, and two sets of headphones on our right. The exhibition wall text is titled, “When the Pandemic Came, It Started To Rain,” and is repeated in three different languages, Anishinaabemowin, English, then French. Underneath that, wavy black and dotted lines flow along the edge of the wall. A plastic chair is set in front of the headphones.


Installation Details

Noondaagonoon gaa-gii-noondaagokin gii-gaagiigidowaad Latinos Positivos gaa-izhinikaazowaad gii-dazhindamowaad gaa-gii-apiichi-zhagadendamowaad gii-aakozinaaniwang. Gaagiigidowag gaye madwe'igewag gaye noondaagwan nibi egimiwang gaye ebimijiwang.

Latinos Positivos gaa-wiiji'aawaad gaa-nagamonid gaye gaa-ozhitood nagamowin awe David Wall imaa dash toronto Latinx HIV-aakoziwin gaa-ayaawaad jiwiiji-gitochigemaawaad. Gaa-gii-dagwiiwaad omaa gitochigewining gaawiin owiinzowinowaan onandawendaziinaawaan ji-gikenjigaadenigin.

About the Artist

A photo of a bearded man with light skin tone in front of a choppy lake. A photo of David Wall taken from the waist up in front of a choppy lake. He is a dark haired, bearded man with light skin tone wearing a dark blue jean jacket. He looks directly at us with a neutral expression and binoculars hang from his neck.