Mazinichigewin, Debiniwewin, gaye Aabajichiganan Ji-onji-Aanjichigaadeg gegoon (Anishinaabemowin)
The Redwood (Abi Ajibolade, Kelly Cho, Mary Choy, Julia Colucci, Lucy De Luca, Christina DiGianni, Akilah Downey, Leah Finley, Axile Gerona, Ngasseu Kamga, Catherine May, Mila Perez, Suavae Ricketts, Aphie Thayan), Evan Tapper

Mazinichigewin, Debiniwewin, gaye Aabajichiganan Ji-onji-Aanjichigaadeg gegoon: Mazinaatesijigan
The Redwood, Evan Tapper, 2023Mazinaatesijigan
Okiikito Peshik:
Owe masinipi’igan tashitamo Covid kaye kakii’ishiimachiisek imaa machetamowinink, miishiin awiyak okiiwanitoonawaa apenimowin. Kaye tash kiishimookiimakan miishiinwayaag enaadeg iwe tepwe apenimowin kaye akoonakwan. Niiwayak nikiishimachitamin . Ikaa’enaadegin akoo makatewi, waabishkaa, nake waapisaa’iink.
Peshikwaa miinawaa. Geget machentaakwan. Pekaachi kii-anichii kinaakwan, mekwa iwe tipa’igan kii-anokiiyang, nikiipakitinamin naanint ini, shikwaa kimaachi peshikose. Nikiikichiwaapantaan aandi chi-pekaanatak imaa pekaachi, chi pekaang imaa kwayak chi-anikesek. Nikiitotam iwe awiiya namatapich imaa niikan mamatawaapikoong aniish iwe tipa’igan kikiinootamin Covid tipaachimowinan iwe awiiyak nipowak kaye tepwe, tepwe sa iwe machi-aakosiwin. Miishiin awiyak kii-kichi sanakisewak
Miishiin awiyak kikipakosewak, kaawin kanake chiikiiyotewaachin ototemiwan, tipenchikewinan.
Kakina awiyak kii-animisewak. Amii kakiitotamaan paatinwaa awiyaa misiwe waapi ashich makate igaaniwi misiwe makate waapiso chi-onchi pa’yitenakwaak nikii ishitoon waapisaa’ waakwink kaye ginigawi agindaasonan aniish kakina nikii ayaamin imaa mamatawaapikonk. Kakina kekonan kii’ayaawan mamatawaapikonk iwe kikino-amaatiwin, kipichiiyan, papamiyaayan. Kikina nikii ayaamin imaa mamatawaapikonk. Eyaah, amii’iwe piiwaapiko kekonan e’aapatakin. Iwe tash kotak kekon, nikii masinipiwaa gichi- mintitooch awiyaa. ( Paapiwin) shikwaa opikwan kishkishikate chi- ishinakwak mite’ink kaye akwokante pikwanink kaye kakina kekonan.
Mii’iwe chinaakwak kakii aapichii naniisanisiyaang mekwaa iwe tipa’igan. Kaye aniin kakina kekoon ikitoyan pankii chiwiichisek mamawiiwin iki awiiyak.
Nitinentam paatinatan kekonan awiiya ke-michiminang, tawinan tipaa’igan chi-nisitotaman kakina onoweniwan aniish kika anikiinotaan paakan ini kashiwaapataman kaye aniin kashi’antawenimikoyan chi’inaapishinan
Okiikito Niishin:
Owe nitinentaan waapata’iwewin mwaaye kaye ishkwaa tapishko gichi- aakosiwin tipa’igan, tapishko Misiwe-kamik Aakosiwin, iwe awiiyak ishaawak mamatawaapikonk kikikentaan kii’ayaawak ka-shitaawach shikwa kakina kekoon kiimachetaakwan. Kii-kiishisek iwe kakatisiwin taapishko iwe Misiwe- aki- aakosiwin. Aashaa noonkom animinose kakina kekoon shikwaa awiiyak kakiyotamitiwak miinawaa. Kaye E’yaa, nitinentaan miiwe aniin aanti kekonan kashinaakwakin, tapishko iwe mwaaye kaye ishkwaa Misiwe-aki-aakosiwin. Taapishko awaashime enaatek kaye kakina kekoon taapishko iwe nagweyaap / kiizisweyaap. Iwe kikinawaachichikan-apenimowin anokiiwin kakiitotamaang kiikichi-netaakwan nitinetaan. Niwiichi’itimin maawach kaye kakina inetamowinan kaki’ayaakin.
Okiikito Nisin:
Amii owe kiipimi’ayaayak shaapo Covid kaye patiinaatanoon awechikewinan ima masinakisowinink, kaawin tepwe wiin iko kekonan. Wiin iko awiiya ke’ishi nang aniish tapishko ka-enaadegin wiinawaa piko, miishiin kekonan awetamawan iwe Covid aakosiwin paashi chi akiiwan.
Okiikito Niiwin:
Nimasinipi’igan ikitomakan, kekonen manatanoon pepaankii kiiminosewan, naawach, nawaach, shikwa pimaatisiwin, miinaawaa kiikimachi-pimaatisimin. Kikiisekisimin aniish ekaawin chikikentamank ke-ani-ishiwepang. Kikikentaan mino kekonan. Kiikiiwichiyaamamin kitipechikewininanak, shikwa kikimachentamin iko kaye kikikashketamin, shaakooch kii-ani minosewan kekonan.
Okiikito Naanan:
Nitinwaataan kakii anchisek, michi, michi, anchisek shaakooch ki-taapishko makwa. Kikiishaaposhkamin shikwa tash noonkom ashaa tash ani-kiiwe minose. Tapishko kakina kwayakwan.
Iwe kamanatamok miikana tapishko, eshkam kishikanoon aniish kii kichi-aakosiwak awiyak, nikiisekentam. Kiminosemin noonkom shikwaa aashaa ani-kiishise niti,nitinentam kiiminose. Eta kekoon kaamikaawiyan iwe kakina awiyak waasa kii’ayaawak. Kikiimikaamin shaakooch kesh-iminosek imaa mamatawaapikoonk kaye zoom onchi kikiitowin. Owe kiitotamak minwetaakwan. Wiinke kii-animan kiikakwe minototaman sa tepwe. Kaye oshitoon sanakisiwin chi-naakisek chikakwe ekaawin andaawendan kakina kamaanaatak, amii kanawapantaan ka-onishishink.
Okiikito Ninkotwaaso:
Iwe etaa ninataawentaan chi-saaka’aman miichim onchi, Eyaa nintnentaan eta kekoon kaye tipa’igan nimamikaaw chinakataman tapinookamik aniish nikii machentaan imaa. Nitam iwe tipik , nake tash kii-ani nakishkaawakwa awiyak kimaachisemakan kaye kakina awiyaa tepwe minwaatisiwak. Kaye naake kii-ochichisekchinakataman tapinookamik, nikii maaw, aniish wiinawaa eta nikikenimak omaa Canada. Nikii’inentam wiinawaa nitipenchikewin. Kikikentaan wiinawaa nitipenchikewin.
Okiikito Niishwaaso:
Tepwe kii minose aniish nikii kishii anchi-kashkichike. Nikiimikaan iwe Covid kaye mamatawaapikowin 24 nishwaaso. Nikii mikaawitis awenen niin. Chipwaa tash wiin, nikii mochi nanapinake kotakiiwak awiyak kaye kakina kekonan. Iwe apii tipa’igan, kiitawise chimikaasoyaan tepwe awenen niin.
Mazinichigewin, Debiniwewin, gaye Aabajichiganan Ji-onji-Aanjichigaadeg gegoon: Zhizhoobiiga’igaade mazina’iiginong gaye noondaagwan
The Redwood, Evan Tapper, 2023, 110 x 74 cm
Speaker 1:
So the art piece is talking about COVID and how it started off really sad and depressing for a lot of people losing hope. And then it merges into a more colorful, really hopeful and bright piece. And initially we started off with four different sections, and that was to start off with like a really black, white, gray sort of area.
Once again, the really sad times. And slowly shifted towards a much more brighter place. But during our time working on that, we ended up just letting go of the sections and it became like one whole piece. I focused on the part where it was really, like, toned down and washed out, and then right next to it—
So what I did was just like this person sitting like all stressed out in front of the computer because during that time we were getting a lot of news about COVID and how people are like dying from it and how it was a really, really bad virus. And a lot of people— they were really isolated because they couldn't go to see their friends, their family.
It was like a hard time for everyone. So I did that and I made a lot of it was— the person was completely white with like black outlines. And I made really dark clothes come out of it so it could pop out more. And then there's also some cloudy gray like loose gray clouds on there as well, and some matrix type numbers, because we were all online.
Everything was online. School was online to take a break online, to go places online. Everything was online. So, yeah, and it was like representing the technical side of things. And then right next to it, I drew a person, a really big person, and then her shirt is cut out to represent like this heart thing and it's stapled to the shirt like taped on and everything.
That just represent how vulnerable we were during that time. And how everything like looks like a simple words of acknowledgment really helped to bring everyone together.
I think the art there is like a lot of things to grasp on it. So really taking the time to understand every single piece on it would be pretty cool because you can interpret that a whole different way than another person that's looking at it and how we wanted you to interpret.
Speaker 2:
Well, I think it's like showing the before and after, like in coronavirus time, like in the pandemic that how people like get to go into Internet and how people like kind of, you know, they had to like be in their houses and everything was kind of like not really good. So and then after the protest, after that, like the pandemic, I think everything is getting better and people can meet each other.
And yeah, I think that's how that's like where things are showing the art that it's like before and after pandemic, after like pandemic. It's like can be more like colorful and how everything can be like, better. And I feel like for my— for me, I think Rainbow, it's kind of the symbol that it's like show hope, I think the work that we had was really great. We help each other so much and all the ideas. I think we use all the ideas that we had.
Speaker 3:
It's meant to represent our journey through COVID and there are multiple symbols in the picture that can kind of express that, but not really in a direct way kind of to things. And it's also up to interpretation a little bit because like the colors, the symbols themselves, there's a whole bunch of things that can kind of relate to how COVID was, like over the years.
Speaker 4:
My part of the drawing means to me that things were bad, but little by little things started to get better and better and life started going back to normal. And as we started living again. It was kind of scary because we didn't know what was going to happen. But, you know, that was the good things too. We spent a lot of time with your family, but it was really boring. Sometimes it felt really lonely, but, you know, things got better.
Speaker 5:
I mean, it was definitely a change, a big, big change. But like, it was still bearable. Like, we got through it and now it's pretty much normal now. So, like, it was it was all right. Even though there were like a couple of bumps and certain days that like, people got really sick and I was getting worried. But like, we're good now and it's over almost.
So I think I think it was pretty okay. I mean, the only thing that really comes to my mind is how like kind of distant everybody was. But we found ways to get around that problem, like going online and Zoom calls. And we also got to like, do things online, which some of that was actually pretty fun. So even though it was pretty hard, it was just you just trying to make the best out of it really. And then like just making the hard times easier by not trying to worry about all the bad things and looking at the positives.
Speaker 6:
The only thing that I wanted was to like kind of going out of with food and like, yeah, that was, I think the only thing that and in that time I was thinking about was to leave the shelter and kind of I didn't like to be there, but and the first night, but after like a few months when I met others, like that's a start and everyone's was just amazing and really kind.
And then after that, when there was a time that I had to leave the shelter, I just cried because I wasn't really able to leave there cause they were like the only people that I know in Canada. So they were like, they are like kind of my family. So, you know, I feel that they are my family.
Speaker 7:
Um, it was actually really nice because I learned to adapt a lot faster in my situation. I also found that with COVID especially and being on technology 24 seven, literally, I was able to find out who I was and where, like my morals are and everything, because before that I was really influenced by my friends, my school mates and everything. But because we had that time period for ourselves, I could like become myself.
Madhu’s G2 Waasigani-bimide Aabajichiganiwazh
The Redwood, Evan Tapper, 2023, noojigo gegoon aabadan mazinichiganingImages
A collection of about 30 hand held tools arranged in a case. The tools include pliers, hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers, clamps, a head lamp and other items. Many have brightly colored handles. orange handles.
Madhu, a woman with medium skin tone, smiles in a courtyard while giving a speech. She holds up three fingers on our right and holds a phone on our left. Behind her large metal butterflies with small colorful dots are attached to a stucco wall.
Artwork Details
Redwood HVAC (Gizhizigewin, Babaamaasing, Dakaasijigewin) Wiiji'aawag Ikwewag gaye gaa-bakaanenindizowaad gaa-gii-miigaanindwaa ozaam ebakaaniziwaad ji-anokiiwaad imaa HVAC. G3 gaye G2 Waasigqani-bimide Anokiiwinini mazina'igan odadebinaanaawaan igi gaa-dagwiiwaad. Redwood odadiba'aanaawaan ge-inagindeg gikino'amaagoowin, mazina'oiganan, aabajichiganan gaye ganawenimaawasowin. HVAC anokiiwining niibiwa awiyag gii-andawendaagoziwag ji-anokiiwaad aaniish gii-andawenjigaade ji-onizhishing ge-ikwanaandamang biindig megwaa gii-aakozinaaniwang mii dash ge-izhi-ondinamowaad ge-ondaadiziwaad ginwesh igi ge-gikino'amawindwaa.Installation Details
Gii-maamawi-dazhiikigaadewan ono mazinichiganan Redwood gaa-dagwiiwaad gaye gaa-anokiiwaad gaye gaa-wiiji'iwewaad imaa. Iwe mazinaatesijigan gaye waabanda'iwewin naagwan gaa-gii-inishkaagemagak iwe iDetermine app gaa-izhinikaadeg gaa-gii-ozhichigaadeg aakoziwin gii-dagoshinoomagak gii-miigaadiwaad awiyag gaye iwe HVAC gikino'amaadiwin gii-ozhichigaadeg ji-zoongi-wiiji'indwaa ikwewag ji-bao. Iwe mazinibii'igan niiwin oshkaadiziig ogii-ozhitoonaawaa gii-daawaad imaa Redwood megwaa gii-aakozinaaniwang. Bizindaw gii-dazhindamowaad apii gii-ozhitoowaad owe mazinichigan.
Redwood gii-baakinigaade 1993 gii-izhiseg. Noongom dasah izhichigewinan gaye wiiji'iwewinan onji-wiiji'aawag ikwewag gaye abinoojiiyag ji-bimaadiziwaad awiya ji-miigaanigowaad gaye ji-izhidaawaad gaye ji-gidimaagizisigwaa.
About the Artist