Julie Lassonde, A.M. Matte, 2023, gaa-mazinichigewaad Bapiiwin, noojigo
gaa-aabadak ji-ozhichigaadeg
A white gallery wall with a framed photo, large black exhibition text
that reads, “Passages” and appears in Anishinaabemowin, English, and
French. The image on the left is vertical and is made up of three
smaller photos and text laid out in a two by three grid. The images are
all from the same event, two people with light skin tone possibly
performing or rehearsing in a gallery space. Starting in our upper left
corner the person on our left, A.M. Matte, is seated holding papers
while Julie Lassonde, on our right, is bent forward, arm outstretched
pointing towards our left. Next to that image on our right, a block of
text reads, “Je frappe mon malaise et mon isolement sur mon Le
creuset. Le fracas métallique m’emplit l’ouie, mais c’est du toucher
qu’il me faut.” In the next row down, on our left side, a block of text
reads, “La ville est fantôme…c’est sinister d’arriver à l’avance où
personne ne nous attend.” Next to that on our right is another image,
Matte is still seated head cocked while she watches Lassonde who is
kneeling, arms curled up in front of them in mid swoop. In the final row
on our left, Matte remains seated holding papers and looking at Lassonde
who is in mid jump legs askew, their arm, on our left, is wrapped around
their head, their arm, on our right, is wrapped around their stomach.
Next to that on our right, the final text block reads, “On met des
pansements Quand on a mal Mais des fois on a mal Sans savoir où.”Installation Details
Bapiiwinan mii omaa ezhi-waabanjigaadeg gaa-ayizhiiwaad
gaa-mazinichigewaad imaa A.M. Matte odoozhibii'igan gaye Julie Lassond
oniimiwin. Gaa-izhi-niizhingin ono maanendamowin gaye zhiibendamowin
gaye noojimowin naanaagadawenjigaadewan.
Gaa-mazinichiged Julie Lassonde (ikwe/wiinawaa) gaye gaa-ozhibii'iged
A.M. Matte (ikwe/ikwe) baakwaa'ishiiwikwewiwag wiijikwewiwaa' dash
owiijiiwaawaa' Ontario gaye Canada Arts Izhichigewinan odoondinaawaan
zhooniyaan gaa-aabaji'aawaad. Bapiiwin iwe nitam gaa-wiiji'idiwaad
ji-ozhitoowaad mazinichigewin.
About the Artist
Two portrait’s side by side of A.M Matte and Julie Lassonde. On the
left, A.M., a white woman with light skin, is pictured in three-quarter
view, wearing an ivory jacket and purple glasses. A.M. has shoulder
length, curly, brown hair and smiles with closed lips. On the right,
Julie, a light skinned person, is smiling at us with an asymmetrical
dark blonde haircut and a brown silk shirt.