Miigwech (Anishinaabemowin)

TOwe waabana'iwewin gii-dagochigaade omaa Nawach JI-zoongak Maamawiikodaading, oodenaang izhichigewin naanaagadawenjigaadeg COVID-19 aakoziwin gaye gaa-gii-inishkawindwaa Toronto gaa-ayaawaad awiyag, memindage igi gaa-gii-aakoziwaad gemaa gaa-gii-wani'aawaad awiyan.

Gaanada Ogimaawiwin ogii-diba'aanaawaa bangii owe.

Gichi-oodena Toronto miigwechi odinaawaa ono:

Norma Araiza

Daphne Brown

Chandra Bulucon

Dr. Kevin Leung

Armando Perla

Patricia Ningewance Nadeau

Paulina Rodrigues

Dr. Judith Seary

BAND Gallery

Community-Based Research Centre


Good Neighbour Project

Kubik Maltbie

Latinos Positivos

Metro Hall

Pamoja Institute

Prime Access Consulting Inc.

Rexdale Community Health Centre

The Redwood

About the Curator

Placeholder Alt Text Raven Spiratos, an Afro-Guyanese and Greek woman, with medium skin tone stands in front of an abstract grey and white ink painting. She gestures, as if in mid sentence, with her fingers laced in front of her. She has waist length brown braids, a brightly patterned red and black skirt and a white halter top.