Gichi-es, Anami'e-atoopowin, gaye Izhichigewin (Anishinaabemowin)
Crip Collective (Kaia Arrow, Lilah Hill, Jasmine Noseworthy Persaud, Cleopatria Peterson, terra Mitchell-Baisden, Maya Morgan, Pree Rehal, Yvonne Winter)

Crip Collective, 2023, Gashkgwaasonaabik gii-aabadan gaye gii-michininjiigwaadewan ono mazinichiganan, gii-zhizhoobiiga'igaadewan, aagwiingwepizonan gaye Amelia RV Neson odaya'iiman aye noojigo gegoon gii-aabajichigaade, 1.5 x 1.5 metersImages
Colorful strips of fabric are draped from the ceiling and cascade down the wall. The fabrics are made out of many materials and are predominantly shades of purple and green with pops of orange and pink. The fabric is hung in a way that it creates a canopy to stand under. Two long strips of sewn together disposable blue masks and rectangle pieces of paper are hung against the wall. Text phrases are embossed and printed in orange reading, “It is recommended to care about disabled people but it is not mandatory,” “Please continue to care about disabled people,” and, “For our collective survival, caring about people is necessary.”
Silky and sheer fabrics in rich greens, purples, oranges, and gold shimmery fabric have been sewn together in multiple layers and strips creating a richly textured tapestry. The surface is embellished with delicately embroidered flowers. On a piece of gold sparkly fabric, two hands are drawn in pen, reaching towards each other. Three handmade green cloth masks are sewn in a row.
Guided Tactile Descriptions
This is a tactile sample of the same fabrics that are in the Chrysalis sculpture. This fabric swatch has 12 different size rectangles, sewn together in six columns. Let’s explore the sample moving from our left to right, column by column. Starting in the lower left hand corner, find the two holes in the fabric. These holes are part of the lacey pattern of this floral green strip. Just to the left of the holes you might be able to find three tiny 3-D flowers. Feel the same texture all the way up that column. When you reach the top edge, move to our right and notice the feeling of the seam as you transition between the two columns. This next column is made from two pieces of fabric. It starts with a silky, smooth, and iridescent purple fabric. Moving below that one, it might be hard to notice the change to the next fabric rectangle because they have a very similar texture. However, this one may feel a little extra slippery and is a bright sparkly pink fabric. Staying along the bottom edge, move to the next column on our right, made from two fabrics. It starts with a scratchy and rough light pink mesh fabric. Directly above that is a silky smooth gold ochre rectangle. Staying along the top edge, move to the next column on our right, which is made from three fabrics. The first is white lace, so it has some very interesting shapes and bumps. Try and find the mesh swoop nestled in between bumpy thick threads. Moving underneath that one, is a small pink silky rectangle. Underneath that one is a second soft small teal rectangle. Staying along the bottom, move to the next column on our right. It is made from two very different size pieces of fabric. The first is a long strip of thin orangey peach cotton fabric, with a medium softness. Right above that, you may be able to feel a very thin strip of silky green fabric. Staying along the top edge, move to the last column on our right. where you’ll find two fabrics. The first is a slippery thin purple fabric with a partially attached decorative flower. The center is sewn down with a rough gold thread making a small bump. The petals are detached and will flop around if you touch them. Below that is another piece of the same white lace fabric that we felt earlier. It also has thin mesh swoops and bumpy thick thread.
Maya Morgan, Jasmine Persaud, Yvonne Winter, 2021-2023, anami'e-toopowining: baate-waabigoniin, waasikwanenjigan, onaagan, adoopowiniigin gaa-mazinichigaadeg, 51 x 89 cmImages
A painting, dried flowers, black bowl, and candle clustered on a blue fabric square. The painting is of an abstract night sky with a rainbow at the bottom. Clustered together are a tall glass vase with a bundle of dried lavender and cotton, a small black wooden bowl with the inside painted gold, and a large partially melted white candle. Underneath the items is a soft blue fabric with clear crystals hanging off the edges.
An abstract painting of a flat black night sky with vertical rainbow bars at the bottom. The bars get slightly taller as they move from left to right creating the appearance of a small stair case. The sky is filled with white pinpricks and a large full moon. Small abstract spirals resembling people float around the sky and travel up the rainbow.
( pekaach matwe’ashkaa)
Taso ka’otaanimak nootin
Tapishko anaang kikoon
Kika onikamin miinawaa
Chikikentaamak awiiyak chitepinaakwaa
Chitepinisoyank shikwaa maawin kotak miinawaa.
Ozhinikaatan wiisakentamowin, menishisiwin kaye saaki’iwewin kaye akaawaatamowin
Ozhinikaatan iwe gichi-gam nipi kaye ini kakii papakisekin
(keyaapi matwe’aashkaa)
Onoweniwan kakii kikenitin , miinawaa tasaamise kemaa kaawin
Nipaakoseim chi michimiiyang aniin iko
Nipaakosenim kinikinanan kika tepinanak awiyak imaa saaki’iwewining taso otaanimanonk.
O’masintesichikan ozhipi’igan awe: Jasmine Noseworthy Persaud
Imaa Onaakanink, Peshik Emikwaan, Treaty 13 kaye William Treaties otaakiimiwaank
Nakwetamowin onchi awe Kai Cheng Tom’s
Otaapinan saaki’iwewin ani-ishkwaa akiiwak, nana mikwek kakwe minwaachikewin shikwaa nisho-achaakowi opikaapawiwin
Imaa CBRC’s Summit 2021, wanaatoon Kiiwe-miinotoon
(Kamatwe’ ashkaak ani-ankotakwan)
gaye Izhichigewin
Pree Rehal, 2023, gii-wawaakawiiwag awiyag
Installation Details
Rehal gaye Hill o-gii-ozhitoonaawqa iwe Gichi-es bagwaaniigin daabishkoo inbi e-izhinaagwak e-aabajitoowaad aadaadiziwin maanendamowin gaye nishkaadiziwin e-onjiimagak. Arrow, Mitchell-Baisden, Peterson gaye Winter o-gii-zhizhoobiiga'aanaawaa e-mazinitoowaad. Morgan, Noseworthy Persaud, gaye Winter o-gii-ozhitoonaawa iwe Anami'e-atoopowin ji-aate-maanendamong; ji-mikwenjigaadeg gaye wiinzowin. Rehal gaa-mikwendang gaa-gii-wanitood obimaadiziwining izhisemagan imaa Gichi-esing gii-mazinigwaasod gaye gii-niimid.
Rehal o-gii-biidoon iwe, Crip Maamawichigewin ayaawag nishwaso gaa-mazinichigewaad owe e-izhiiyaawaad Emaakiziwaad/Giiwashkwewaad/Crip gaye Emakadewiiwaad, E-anishinaabewiwaad gaye Gaawiin e-waabishikiiwesigwaa. Amelia RV Nelson izhinikaazo awe makadewikwe wiijikwewan gaa-gii-zaagi'aad apane go gaa-gii-aakozid gii-mazinichiged 2022 gii-ishkwaa-bimaadizi.
About the Artist