Welcome to Transforming Grief
This exhibition was designed to welcome the widest possible audience. Please enjoy the following features that will help you navigate and engage with this exhibition experience:
Tactile floor braille means a reader rail exists that has braille and a QR code to access all exhibition text, visual and guided tactile descriptions, and transcripts.
Many artworks can be touched or have touchable samples. Reader rails and signs say what can be touched.
Videos have audio description in English and French. Those with dialogue are captioned in English, French, and have integrated American Sign Language.
For a sensory friendly space, visit the Quiet Room found beyond the glass doors to the left as you enter the exhibition space.
Wheelchairs, a tactile map, and large print pamphlets of the exhibition text are available at the front desk.
Content and strong language warning: We honour the language reclamation undertaken by artists of this exhibition.
Gallery Overview of Exhibition Experience
The exhibition begins in a long hallway with cement floors, transparent glass walls to the left, and tall, angled walls to the right. The exhibition continues through this lobby space, down the hallway to the right, and through the first set of glass doors to the left.
Starting along the wall, at the first reader rail, the foot braille and tactile QR code introduce you to the inclusive design system for the exhibition. The resulting website provides all the accessibility features, including visual and guided tactile descriptions, artwork transcripts, and exhibition text. Moving further down this wall, the second reader rail marks the exhibition introduction. It is paired with two large, rectangular artifact cases in the center of the space. Just beyond the artifact cases on the left, are the first two of ten artworks. Past these artworks on the left is a set of glass doors. Through these doors, you’ll find the second gallery with the rest of the artworks.
For the washrooms, continue down the hallway with the first two artworks. Turn left then a quick right, and the men’s washroom (WRM) is the first door on the left, the women’s washroom (WRW) is the second on the left.
Available at any point throughout the experience is the Quiet Room. It is located through the doors on the far right end of the transparent glass walls of the lobby. From there, the reader rail is located on the wall directly ahead and the Quiet Room is through the glass doors to the right.
Exhibition Pages
- Welcome
- Transforming Grief: Loss and Togetherness in Covid-19
- Keeping Us Safe
- Toward Being Together Again
- Chrysalis, The Altar, and Performance
- No Devils’ Advocate Zone
- Passages
- Club Kid Alley and Isolation Mountain
- Healing Power of Nature
- When the Pandemic Came, It Started To Rain
- Write To Me
- Art, Outreach, and Tools for Change
- Malik
- The Quiet Room
- Water as Grief
- Thank You